“Someday” is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you.” – Timothy Ferriss

TIME...It seems to fly faster and faster…or is it just me?

This year, especially the past few months, seems to have been sucked into some time vortex. I'm now sitting on the side, gulping for air, and it's nearly Christmas.


OK, so I sold my house, moved to a temporary one and hopefully have secured a new one back in Devon, UK.

So it isn't like I was sitting on my arse and twiddling my thumbs, but still, what in the real name of hell is going on?

I decided earlier this year, that if I'm going to be 60 in 2-3 years time (which I am ...I know, you're too kind, but really... it's true!) and I'm a Midlife Coach, I'd better step up a few gears and do the thing I most wanted to do. To move back to Devon.

Why wait? 

Because it's safer!

Why wait?

Because it's easier!

Eric, as you can only imagine, has been taking steroids for the creative imagination, and creating conspiracies, fear and drama!

Oh, the sodding Drama!

But, Time, is our #1 Asset.

Pure and simple.

Without it, we are pushing up the daisies!

Everyday day is important, and every day wasted is time we can never recover. I don’t mean don’t rest, or recharge or do anything, but do it purposefully.

I'm as curious and playful as ever....

  • Is there something that you keep saying that you want to do, yet don't find the time to start?

  • Are there possible future regrets, that if you reverse engineer them now, would be projects of delight to play with now?

  • Things you've always wanted to do, dreams that have been shelved parents and kids that have always come first? 

Do you feel that your life is on hold - like a pause button that's become jammed?

It's finally time to put you first

Two Top Tips!

Imagine being at your own funeral, and hearing what people said about you.

(Now, please don't be scared by this. The only, THE ONLY, thing that is inevitable in my, and your life, is that one day we will die. I don't know why we are all made to be so scared of this, and I'd love to open up the conversation about it. Next blog...and lots of research methinks...)

1. What would make you so proud, that you could overflow with joy? Do more of that.

2. What would make you cringe and think, "Oh crap, why wasn't I kinder, more generous, a better listener, more loving"…more insert any Ughhh characteristic here… Consciously decide to do less of this now and decide how you want to show up in your day-to-day life.

You know when you've decided to do something. You start and finish it and your really, really proud of yourself, well this is what reverse engineering those bloody deathbed regrets is all about. Take some time out and decide what makes you happy, fulfilled and fall back in love with yourself. 

Pick one thing and decide 100% to start on that.

How do you want to spend 2023 and beyond? 

Take some time out and really think about what you want?

Doing more of the same and feeling stuck, or growing and becoming the person you'd love to be.

As we get older and time seems to be running out, this becomes such an empowering question. 

Especially when we take action on it and create something fabulous.

What do you want?

If you're feeling stuck, which is so normal, and would like some help, then I have the perfect coaching program for you.

Let's spend 6 months together.

Let's get you unstuck, get you total clarity on what you want and how you're going to get there.

I love 6-month programs and having someone in my corner, championing me and helping me kickstart the next chapter of my life.

It's powerful and fun. 

Please message me if you would like more information.



The First Week of 2023


Sitting on a planet spinning through vast outer space…