The First Week of 2023

Happy 2023

Does the mere mention of a New Year make you feel excited or feel slightly nauseous?!

Feel exhilarated about all the things that you could create, enjoy and play with in the next 365 days or


Think where the hell did last year go? I'm clearly in a time-warp, and I guess there's another 365 days of the same shit about to be served up to me?

I'm running out of time! I'm another year older, and I haven't done this ( the list is as long as an old-fashioned ticker tape from a comedy routine...)


As usual, a wonderful dichotomy!

I'm sick of the New Year's fear based marketing hype,  AND I love the idea of a whole new 365 days to play with and create some fabulous things.

Sick of, Outrageous promises being banded about…e.g. Do 10 mins of this magical exercise for 14 days and lose half your body weight and rediscover the abs of a 20-year-old body builder.

Sister, I never had the abs of a 20-year-old body builder!

And eating spinach for breakfast, a piece of slimy poached chicken and for a 'treat', some steamed greens for supper, isn't my idea of a sustainable and enjoyable way of living!

New Year_It's the passing of one year and the start of another. (both man made constructs)

The time when our innate fears of our "Not enoughness" or "too muchness" are brilliantly prayed upon.

The time, when the usually laden, but always said with a smile of encouragement,  "What are your New Year's resolutions?"  pray on our fear, that what we are, is not right, acceptable or enough.

We're too fat, too old, hair is going the wrong colour, too stupid, too lazy too...single....argghhhhh!

It's total shite!

Oops I appear to be heading into a rant!

Telling women (or men for that matter ) that to age is wrong, to be feared, must be avoided at all costs... so buy this cream, that hair dye, have injections to remove laugh lines...

It makes my blood boil!

Here's a question for you...

"When did you first learn that ageing was wrong?"

When did we buy into this absurdity?

To age is a sodding miracle.

We are alive.

Celebrate you and all your imperfections.

Please, for the love of God...

Celebrate you and all your imperfections.

As a wee side note and to understand why this is such an hugely intrenched and hammered into us issue,

"The anti-ageing market size was valued at $201,111.5 million in 2021, and it is expected to reach $422,804.6 million by 2030,"

and the market for Menopause is expected to reach$24.4 billion by 2030

Making us feel like shit, unacceptable as we are and in need of some desperate help via our wallets, is big business.


I'd like to think that's my rant over, but I think... it's probably not!🤣

Back to my "First week of the New year" title.

I think it's a great time to take stock of where we are AND be a bit grown up about this.

By 'grown up', I mean own it.

You and I, are exactly where we are.

No point in fighting that.

Like at all!

But from 'here', we can play with where we would like to be at the end of this year, or 6 months, or 28 days or whatever we decide.

I know, deep down, some things I want to change and goals I want to work towards. I like to look at health, work and love/ relationships

It's like using a Sat Nav. We have to know where we are starting to be able to map out a destination.

Be gentle

What can you celebrate about you today?

What can you be curious about?

Is there something that you know would make your life more fun?

Do some more of that.

Change Is that simple

If there's something you don't like about your life, decide, consciously, to do less of that.

When we own our thoughts and decisions, that's when change happens.

Happy New Year gorgeous one.

Love Marianne


“New Year, New You”- Stop it!


“Someday” is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you.” – Timothy Ferriss