When you wake up with a smile on your face

I woke up smelling the sweetest scent.

I inhaled.

I Stretched.

I realised I was smiling.

I was luxuriating in the happiest of places.

Warm, comforting, childhood and deep heart snuggling gratitude.

They say there is a small window between the night ending and our day starting.

It's a place of magic.

A place hasn't yet been invaded by the world's incessant media.

It's a place when we honour, we can invite miracles into our world.

We can be truly creative.

I have learnt that by taking a little time out, especially on waking, and feeling immense gratitude for  what I have and also curiosity  and love for my next adventure, by day starts on  a beautiful win.

When I'm really on  a roll this continues into dog snuggles downstairs, delicious Earl Grey tea, mediation, dog walks and then start the 'work' day.

Does it always happen.


But the days I do commit to this morning routine, my day is always better.

It flows, my brain is starting the day happy, confident and ready to kick ass, in the nicest and most delicate way of course!!

And to think all this joy comes from some sweet peas!

I now sow them every year because they just intoxicate me.

They delight all my senses.

Do you have something  that  triggers such pleasure with you?

Have  a beautiful day, connecting with you and your senses.



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