Sitting on a planet spinning through vast outer space…

“Sitting on a planet spinning through vast outer space for a handful of years—in the broadest sense, this is the human predicament. Earth has been here for 4.5 billion years, yet each of us is limited to roughly an eighty-year ride on the planet, give or take a few years. We were born onto the planet, and we will leave it when we die. That is simply the truth. What is not such a hard and fast truth, however, is what our few years on Earth are like."

Michael Singer, from his great book, Untethered.

Did that grab your attention like it did mine?

He continues to say, that everything over the last 13.8 billion years, has happened exactly as it has happened, and that has inevitably, brought us to today. 

To argue with what happened yesterday, last year, or 5 minutes ago is like arguing with reality and saying we don't like the fact that it might be raining or that Saturn has rings!

Funny how we complain about the weather, or how someone else might do something, but we are unlikely to bemoan things that feel "historical," like Saturn's Rings or scientific facts about Uranus.😳

Just sayin'!

Time is, in my humble, our #1 Asset.

No joking.

Our time: It's finite. But the thing is... not one of us know how long 'our time' will be.

So when we take a Pause and play with questions like:

  • What am I spending lots of time worrying about ?(aka wasting time on)

  • What would I love to be doing more of? 

  • What do I regularly waste time doing that makes me feel crappy then or later on/ next day?

  • What's important now?

  • If I was in my 90s, had been kicking ass for years and fondly looking back on my life, what regrets would I have?

  • What would I wish I had tried?

  • What might my ... If only's be?

  • What would I be proud of punch for having achieved.

  • What would I love to hear people say about me at my funeral?

We open up a world of possibilities.

Can we take time backwards? (no, of course not-unless you have a connection to a Tardis and The Doctor!)

But we can learn how to imagine ourselves in decades to come, and reverse engineer our possible regrets. And, then… spend the rest of our lives in a way that will mitigate those sodding regrets and flourishing.

I am passionate about doing this for myself and helping my clients do the same thing.

I also had a very time reminder, backed up by sodding Christmas goods in the shops already (FFS!) that we have 75 days to go til Christmas!

I'm breaking into a slight sweat already at a thought of the flocks of sprouts that will descend and traumatise me!!

75 days

That’s over two months, that's heaps of time to get something done. 

Finished. Complete. Ticked of. And a "Hell Yes, look what I can do when I put my mind to it", celebration time!

If your feeling stuck or overwhelmed by everything going on in your life right now, I'm here for you.

I can help get you unstuck, and doing that celebration dance before Christmas

If you would like more info re my 30 day kick start course, drop me a message and let's plan a celebration for 30 days time.

Love.Marianne (as always, in a Sprout free zone)


“Someday” is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you.” – Timothy Ferriss


OUR Queen: Queen Elizabeth II (21.4.26- 8.9.22)